Zurück "Amsterdam Record Shop" (Michael Mann) Unten
Titel Amsterdam Record Shop
Komposition Michael Mann, 2012
Originalinterpret Waiting For Louise
Klicks 44166
Info In den 70ern gab es viele tolle Plattenläden. Einer unserer allerliebsten war der Amsterdam Record Shop in Duisburg, zu dem wir uns als noch-nicht-motorisierte Teenager mit der Staßenbahn von Dinslaken aus aufgemacht haben. Später gab's an gleicher einen Sexshop und zuletzt sogar einen Second-Hand-Plattenladen namens "Red Rose". Mit der "gambling hall" habe ich aber aus künstlerischen Gründen ein wenig geschwindelt, denn ich brauchte in der Strophe noch ein paar Silben für das Versmaß. Heutzutage steht an gleicher Stelle ein gigantischer Einkaufstempel.

Gefundene Versionen
Interpret Titel Label/Jahr Platz
Waiting For Louise "Treetones" E=MC², 2013

We were too young for Woodstock
And too clever for disco sound
When we started our first rock’n’roll band
Just a bunch of kids - that were hangin’ around

We had no clue of tuning a guitar
In fact we had no real guitars at all
Some cardboard boxes and gut string axes
Our spirits were high - but our ambitions small

And when the weekend came around,
We were headin’ for that sound
We took the tram to the big city
We were on our way
To have a fine day
At the Amsterdam Record Shop

Were once was a record shop
Has been a sex shop and a gambling hall
But they tore all the buildings down
And now you can find there a huge shopping mall

I have no clue what all the people do
When they hustle and bustle in this shopping heaven
And I wish that I could turn back time
And I wish that it would be like Seventy-seven

And when the weekend came around,
We were headin’ for that sound
We took the tram to the big city
We were on our way
To have a fine day
At the Amsterdam Record Shop